Schaumburg Assault And Battery Charges Lawyer
Chicago, Schaumburg, And Wheaton Aggravated Assault Lawyer
When you are arrested and charged with any type of violent crime, your future and well-being are placed in great jeopardy. For aggravated assault and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charges, you could face extended jail or a prison sentence. The severity of the injuries inflicted on the other party, and other factors, determine if you will be charged with a felony or misdemeanor.
Steven R. Roach has extensive experience representing individuals charged with assault and battery. We understand the wide spectrum of events that can cause you to be arrested for assault. In our 10-plus years of experience, we have handled almost every issue imaginable.
Our legal team is led by attorney Steven R. Roach, who tried more than 1000 criminal matters as a former prosecutor. We have presented aggressive criminal defense strategies for clients who were charged in connection with:
- Bar fights
- Gang violence
- Obstructing or assaulting a police officer
- Self-defense
Experienced Affirmative Defense Attorney
In certain situations, such as self-defense, a criminal defense attorney must file a notice of affirmative defense on behalf of the client. Our Schaumburg law firm fully understands the consequences of failing to put the state on notice for affirmative defense cases.
Assault and battery charges can carry significant prison sentences. Without representation from an experienced attorney, you could lose your opportunity to defend yourself appropriately, effectively or fully. We are committed to protecting your rights at every stage of your case.
Free Confidential Consultation
To speak with a dedicated Chicagoland criminal defense attorney, please call 312-820-0842. Or you may send us an e-mail. .